2017 is almost over.
I can't believe how quickly this year went by. Obviously, I wasn't terribly observant of the day, weeks, even months.
Hopefully everyone has had happy holidays.
This will be my last blog post of the year.
Don't worry, I'll be back in 2018, hopefully much more on top of things.
At the beginning of this year, I had 16 goals for the year, not necessarily resolutions, but 16 things I hoped to accomplish.
This year, I did get my passport. I did go on vacations. I even got out of my Texas bubble by going to Miami and New Orleans. I even participated in make-up-less March.
Although there were plenty on the list I didn't do, there were also quite a few things not on the list I did.
Such as I got back out into the dating world. That was odd, but nice. My obsession with dragons increased. At one point I got my weight down to 129 lbs. It was only for like two day, but still. I got to see my sister for thanksgiving and it was the first time in seven long years.
I even signed up for a trip to Belize. It's crazy. I'll be there from May 10-20th! I'm saying it's my birthday gift to myself.
(Although I am paying for it on my own, if you want to donate a little bit to the "get Shelby out of the country" fund, go to This link. Any contribution will be very much appreciated and every dollar counts.)
Towards the end of this year there have been a few negative things. Harvey, my grandmother (Dad's mom) going into the hospital (she's dramatically better now though), and my PCOS acting up again.
Of those, the PCOS was something I could do something about and since it caused me to have a 2.5 week period, I went to the doctor. Got put on a new medication. Had a horrible reaction to the medication (seriously, I thought I was dying for a couple of days). Thankfully it calmed down and I'm still taking it.
I'm not sure if it is the medication or the weather (it has been cold and I'm not a huge fan of the cold), but I've been feeling remarkably down recently. I keep switching between caring about getting things done a lot, to not caring at all. There's no in between. I keep wanting to be around a lot of people and wanting to be all by myself. I want to open up to everyone I meet, but I also want to push everyone away. I feel as though everything I do matters a lot and doesn't matter at all. Also, my emotions seem to have a mind of their own right now.
Basically, I feel like I'm going crazy. I can't decide if I want it to be a reaction of the medication or the fact that I can't hibernate through the winter. Either way, I hope it balances out soon. I was hoping that a trip to Fort Worth for New Years and seeing some of my old college friends would help me refocus on things. But thanks to the possibility of ice, I might not be able to do that anymore. Hopefully my dad doesn't try too are to keep me from going because I think I really need this trip. Mentally and emotionally.
I'm for sure going to write next week about the goals and such for the year 2018, so keep an eye out ;)
Until next time,
Keep safe and warm,