For those of you who already follow me on it, you know I have a board specifically for writing stuff. Shocking, I know.
It is called The Write Life and if you follow that link, you can follow me on it. I post a lot of writing prompts and tips and all that jazz. Most of the time I even read the articles!
It was one of the first boards I created, so it also happens to be one of the larger boards as well.
If you've been following me here, you are probably aware I plan to write a short story a month. I got this idea when I realized I will repin short story ideas and they just sit there. I do nothing with them.
That about to change.
I'm creating a basket of writing prompts from the Pinterest board's prompts.
How am I doing that, you ask?
Well. I'm here to tell you. It was remarkably simple, although time consuming.
Step One: find a basket small enough to eventually hang (I want to attach it to a cork board and eventually hang both).
I found this one at Target in the cheap stuff near the registers. It was $3 and the perfect size for what I wanted.
Step Two: Find some old scrap paper that you've no idea what to with but don't want to toss or recycle.
I found this old legal pad that had about eight pages left. Normally I use these to handwrite outlines, but this one doesn't have enough left for a full outline. I also have an abundance of mostly filled notebooks from back in my college days that I'll be employing for this project. (You can type everything up and then cut it down, but I like handwriting things so that's why I decided to do it this way).
Step Three: Write down prompts.
I love handwriting things. Notes, outlines, letters (man, I would adore having a pen pal again XD), and basically anything. I kept switching between cursive and print but that's mainly because someone informed me recently that cursive is dying out and that made me sad.
Step Four: Tear the prompts into individual strips.
Technically you can cut them. I just didn't have scissors nearby. Plus sometimes I think I tear more precisely than I cut.
Step Five: Throw the prompts in the basket.
It's as simple as that. I've still got quite a few prompts to write down, but I have one more day to get everything together. My story a month starts in February. I think I'll start each month posting what the prompt is, and go from there.
How do you deal with all of the prompts/story ideas you've come up with or come across?
Want to write along with me?
Comment below!
Until Next Time,