Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dreams are Coming True

If you've been following me for any length of time on this blog, you'll be aware that my dream in life is to become an author.

The written word has always appealed to me. Stories are not just something I love, but they are a sustenance I need to survive. If I am not reading stories, then I'm writing them. Books have helped me through many hard times. They've inspired me in ways I couldn't have imagined if they didn't exist.

Back in February, I went on a spontaneous trip to Paris, despite knowing I would be going in May as the beginning of my trip to Italy for my friend's wedding. At the last wedding I went to in April of 2019, I mentioned to a handful of people that I would be an author by my 28th birthday.

As I was on the flight to France, I remembered saying that. And I realized I wasn't actually going to be able to make that, despite having the first book done with the exception of editing.

Not too long after I returned from that trip, the world started to close down. The place I work started limiting hours. People were laid off or furloughed (like many other companies had to do).

With the stress and concern of everything increasing every single day, I turned to the one thing I have always been able to turn to in difficult times: stories. I spent the first week or so reading after getting home from work. Then I went back to my writing.

I wrote and I wrote. Then I started to get book one edited. I hired someone to create a cover.

Now here I am. On May 1st, just a little over a week before my 28th birthday, I placed Chosen: Book One of the Enchanted Trials up for pre-order. It goes live on June 1st.

It's official. I'm an author.

Until Next Time,
Shelby Hild