Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Progress Report #6

Well, today's post should have marked the halfway point of the year. Due to my temporary hiatus, it has put it in this post which should have been in June here at the beginning of November.

But there's good news, I've got plenty of ideas for posts for the rest of the year.

The 50th Annual CMAs are tonight. So far I have correctly guessed each winner, let's hope that continues.

Anywho, belated Happy Halloween. I didn't do much, but I went to a haunted house with one of my good college friends. It was a lot of fun. So, that makes the number of haunted houses I've been to double. Since I went to my first one when I was in Austin a couple of weekends ago and then this one, my total haunted house attendance level is at two.

I've finally hit a major goal in the health improvement of my life. I am under 140 lbs. Not by a lot right now, I'm at 139.8 lbs, and it will probably jump back up a couple of times before it stays down, but I'm so excited. I've not weighted under 140 lbs since entering college.

Also, I've decided what I'm going to o for NaNoWriMo. I am going to work on both a new project and my second draft. So at the end of this month hopefully I'll have written 100k rather than just the 50k. Two days in and I'm currently right on track. Friday, I'm going to try and get ahead a bit because I know I'm going to come home from work some day and not want to write any.

So for my progress report, here it goes.

1) Weight: 139.8
2) Word Count for the 2nd Draft: 56480
3) Word Count for New Project: 3294
4) Number of ideas in my "Story Ideas" document: 39

Those are the only pertinent things I can think of at this moment.

Overall, I'd say life is going pretty well. Although I can't wait until I'm done paying off my student loans. Life just feels... stagnant. Which is really weird seeing as I've  done more the past month and a half than I have since graduation.

Perhaps that is why I've felt it so dramatically recently. But all I do is work and do random things around my house. I've been informed that that is adulthood, but there's so much more out there to do. I don't accept that. But I really can't deny it until after I'm no longer so deep in the hole of debt.

I did the math. If I keep up giving most of my check to loans, then I'll be done paying them in 4.5 years. That isn't including any bonus checks or tax refunds. So I'll be almost 30. Ew. Hopefully I can manage something else.

Maybe if I get far enough ahead on my writings, I'll work on short stories again and perhaps sell some of those. Or a novella and put that on Amazon. But that's just so... Idk far from now?

Each time I really start playing with that idea, nerves just absolutely take over. I freeze. That alone makes me wonder if it is truly what I should work for. At least when I start letting things sit for a bit again.

I don't know.

Life is scary.

Speaking of adulthood, one of my favorite things I've written in recent times is:

It was one of those phrases that just jumped onto the paper. And it has stuck with me since then. Maybe it is my brain trying to tell me something, but if that's the case, I'm thoroughly concerned. 

Until Next Time,
Happy NaNo-ing,
Shelby Hild

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