Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Case of the Killer Queso

Cravings can be one of the roughest things when trying to eat healthy or be on a diet.

One of my absolute favorite things that I crave, let's face it, on a daily basis happens to be queso. I can eat it with and for every meal of my life. It is a problem.

Queso sometimes murders my attempts at eating healthy. By sometimes, I mean, at least once a week. More if my dad has recently made some.

If you don't have cravings, then you should be quacking because you're a lucky duck (or just eat enough of every vitamin and mineral). They can derail an entire day of healthy eating.

If you haven't heard, there have been a lot of studies that go along with cravings. What scientists (and I'd assume nutritionist and dietitians) seem to have discovered is that when a person craves something, they are missing something in his or her's diet.

See the source image

There are a lot more informative graphs about this online, in fact, I got this picture off of pinterest so it is NOT mine. (I could make my own and if this one gets taken off I guess I will but fingers crossed it's fine since it's out there quite a bit like the food pyramid.)

I've realized while looking at this that my queso cravings (not cheese, but specifically queso), don't technically fit anything I've seen. I'll just continue with my queso cravings (and eatings because it's delicious).

What do you normally crave?

Until next time,

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Progress Report #8

Man, it has been a long while since my last progress report. I actually had to go back and check what the last number was.

A few life things have occurred since my last post. My grandmother (Dad's mom) is out of the hospital. She spent some time here with us but is currently staying with her sister-in-law a few hours away.

Last I heard, they were having a blast.

The point of a progress report is, of course, to report progress.

As I mentioned multiple times recently, my diet and exercise program kind of took a bit of a break. But for about a week now, I've been pretty consistent. And as the weather gets back to normal (I hope), I should be about to stick with it again.

So my weight is at 145 lbs. My measurements are all super close to what they were last time I took measurements.

Chest: 34 in (from 33.5)
Waist: 27.5 in (same)
Belly Button: 29.5 (from 28.5 -- I had just eaten before taking my measurements so I'm sure this would be different, you know on an empty stomach XD)
Glutes: 37.5 (from 36.5)
Right Thigh: 21.5 (from 21)
Right Calf: 14.5 (same)
Right Arm: 10.5 (same -- I'm pretty sure that is exactly the same size it was when I started taking measurements LAST January)

Writing-wise, the Dragon's Thief is coming along promisingly. I just started chapter 10 and am at 27000 words. For The Elemi story, I'm in the midst of chapter 17 with 66000 words.My Bogeyman story is a little over 4000 words and seems remarkably complete. At least for now.

When it comes to sharing the short stories, I'm still trying to work something out that doesn't involve publishing it.

I've stuck with my workouts.

I am almost done paying off my trip to Belize (it's less than three months away, woo!) and I'm almost under 6grand for my Fed Loans. All exciting moments!

So tell me, how are your New Year's Resolutions coming along?

Monday, February 5, 2018

Fresh Face February 2.0 (and this month's writing prompt)

I can't believe it is February already. There are only eleven months left in 2018.

This is the year I finish paying off my Fed Loans, so I'm super excited about that.

I did my first drawing for my Basket of Prompts thing and the writing prompt I drew was....

Drum roll please!

The Bogeyman.

As soon as I drew it I began writing because a story filled my head and I was so excited about that story I finished it in about an hour. Aw man, I was proud of that thing. It was creative and unique and I couldn't believe I came up with it so quickly and easily.

Then I reread it and things about it seemed so familiar. Moreso than having just written it.

So I started digging into things.

Turns out I wrote something remarkably similar to it back in college. Even the names were the same. There was enough of a difference to be a blessing to tell it was a new telling of it.

But that just goes to show sometimes stories are determined to have your attention.

I'm trying to think of a way to share the stories I create this year without actually publishing them so they can't be submitted to writing competitions or literary magazines or something.

Fresh Face February is back!

I always forget how much extra time I have in the mornings when I'm not putting make up on. It's crazy.

This year is slightly different than last year though.

Overall I'm attempting to use less chemicals on my skin (and in my life) so I've been on the lookout for face washes that lack chemicals. Have any suggestions?

Sorry this post has been a bit disjointed.

Until next time (which will likely be the first progress report of the year)

P.S. happy 30th anniversary to my lovely parents!