One of my absolute favorite things that I crave, let's face it, on a daily basis happens to be queso. I can eat it with and for every meal of my life. It is a problem.
Queso sometimes murders my attempts at eating healthy. By sometimes, I mean, at least once a week. More if my dad has recently made some.
If you don't have cravings, then you should be quacking because you're a lucky duck (or just eat enough of every vitamin and mineral). They can derail an entire day of healthy eating.
If you haven't heard, there have been a lot of studies that go along with cravings. What scientists (and I'd assume nutritionist and dietitians) seem to have discovered is that when a person craves something, they are missing something in his or her's diet.

There are a lot more informative graphs about this online, in fact, I got this picture off of pinterest so it is NOT mine. (I could make my own and if this one gets taken off I guess I will but fingers crossed it's fine since it's out there quite a bit like the food pyramid.)
I've realized while looking at this that my queso cravings (not cheese, but specifically queso), don't technically fit anything I've seen. I'll just continue with my queso cravings (and eatings because it's delicious).
What do you normally crave?
Until next time,
I think my biggest weakness is Red Bull. Full sugar Red Bull. I crave it, and I know it's the sugar, not the caffeine because I don't get any sort of emotional boost from the sugar free version. I can forego all the other typical sweets. I don't care for chocolate, don't eat candy, don't do dessert. But without Red Bull, I start to spiral into depression. It's the weirdest thing. Maybe it's an addiction more than just a craving.