Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Little Bit of Catch-up, Please.

Oh dear.

I have been completely failing on keeping this blog updated this year.

Please accept my apologies for that.

If it means anything, I've been out, you know, attempting to have a life.

This post is in hopes of doing a little bit of updating on my life and hopefully I'll be able to get back on track with it.

First off, I've not been doing nearly as much writing as I should be. That's going to change. There's no hopefully about it. If I want to be an actual author with a book out in the next couple of years, it HAS to change. So I'm making sure it does.

Weight-wise, I've been pretty consistently sticking between 131 and 135 lbs which I am very happy about. I am almost at the point where I am able to constantly use 8 lb weights (I am on week 9 of my second round of the IdealShape Up challenge and when I started it the first time I could barely use 2 lb weights).

Since a couple friends and I will be doing a 5K in a 10-11 days (it's September 2nd), I have been attempting to start running but it is rough. Like. Really rough.

Leigh and I FINALLY floated the river. And made some new friends while we were at it. Oh, and I got to play some Giant Jenga.

On the weekend of July 4th, I went to Miami with Leigh and a couple of other people and that was a blast. A few weeks after that, Leigh, Margaret, and I had a girls' night. Followed by a friend from college visiting (and I failed at being a wingwoman) and then the week after that my little sister from TBS visited.
South Beach

Party Boat

Next time Margaret is in town, plans are to attend Turtle Racing at Little Woodrow's in Midtown (I've attempted to go every time someone was available but without fail mess up which day of the week has them). Then in November, Leigh, Margaret, and I will be going to New Orleans. Woo! Super excited!

I am also part of a Sci-Fi book club now. Although I failed to finish the first book (oops), I'm almost done with the second one (All the Birds in the Sky). And if you're interested, there will be a book club blog!  There isn't much on it yet, other than the summary of the book we are currently reading.

Oh, and I recently got a Bumble account. That has provided me with a handful of... interesting conversations. Some in a good way, others earning an immediate unmatch and block. Not sure how long I'm going to keep the app, but for now I guess it is an attempt to step out of my comfort zone and talk to new people.

My family got a Great Dane puppy and named her Lady Brienne (of course after the Game of Thrones Character) and she's so delightfully clumsy, I just can't handle it.

Note: she's not this small anymore.

Until Next Time,
Whenever that may be,

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