Thursday, April 5, 2018

Not Losing Weight?

Have you been diligently following a weight-loss program but aren't seeing any changes on the scale?

Are you becoming discouraged because no matter how hard you work out, the numbers just aren't moving?

Perhaps the numbers are even moving the wrong direction?

That is what has happened to me recently. Overall it seems a drag.


Discouraging even.

But if you are only using the scale to tell whether your diet and exercise program is working, then you could really be seeing a difference, just not realizing it.

After I was sick last month, I got back on my workout program almost religiously. Plus, I'm getting more squats and stairs in (the curse and blessing of the new puppy and sleeping upstairs while he's being potty trained and learns to sleep through the night).

And my diet has been remarkably good (compared to what it has been).

But the numbers on the scale, oh the numbers. They were climbing.

As of this morning, I weigh in at 146 lbs.

Now, if I was still focusing solely on the numbers of that scale, I'd probably be devastated right now.

All of that hard work to get down into the 130s just vanished? It would b a major set back, for sure.

The thing is, it's not.

It has taken me over a year to finally really understand muscle takes up less room than fat.

Because, really, it does.

Even my measurements aren't really showing the progress. Which sounds really weird.

Take my glutes for instance.

When I started taking my measurements in January of 2017, the number was 38 inches. Now, they are 37.5 inches. That doesn't seem like much. But comparing the shape and overall look of the glutes? Man guys, I officially have a butt.

My thighs, although they have gone down three full inches since the beginning and now rest at 20 inches, there is visible muscle in them.

Although my abs aren't super flat or firm, there are times when a hint of definition pops out.

The only aspect of measurements that is consistently lowering happens to be the chest. Which is slightly saddening, but I'm not complaining.

One pound of muscle does weigh the same as one pound of fat. But one pound of muscle looks so much nicer than one pound of fat.

So when the say, don't worry too much about the numbers, try to believe them. If you are doing everything you are supposed to be doing, eating well, exercising, sleeping enough, being healthy, then your body will do what you want it to.

Pay attention to positives.

Even if the numbers are rising, are your clothing getting tighter again? Or are they getting looser?

For my leggings, either they are losing elasticity in the waist or my waist is shrinking. Since it's happening with my jeans as well, I'm going to go with the latter option.

My swimsuits from last year BARELY fit anymore (mainly the bottom half).

Sports Bras (and bras in general), I'm going to have to get new ones relatively soon because of fit.

But remember, my numbers aren't showing this change.

Remember to notice what fits differently.

Until next time,
Keep up what you're doing.


p.s. here's a new picture of Ajax.

and here's one with him and Bri.
 By one, I mean two.

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