Monday, March 21, 2016

5 Ways to Relax When Stressed

Happy International Poetry Day!

I am super sorry that I missed posting last week. In my defense, I wasn't much use for anything from Friday afternoon two weekends ago until about Wednesday of last week. If I wasn't at work, I was at home asleep (or lounging watching Criminal Minds) but mostly sleeping.

But this week is going to be much better. I've already written a couple thousand words. I did mean to wake up about two hours prior than I actually ended up waking up. The time change has messed up my natural clock, so I can't just turn my alarm off and assume I'll get up around 9 o'clock.

Already, I know this is going to be a good week. Last week was our big Spring Mailer Sales week at work and it was Spring Break. Just add that I wasn't feeling 100% and it was a very stressful week.

Thankfully, this week won't be near as bad.

Here is a list of things I like to do when I am overly stressed (because being stressed is not healthy and is probably the worst thing for productivity).

1.) I chase Hathor around and try to get pictures of her. It might not seem relaxing, but it is quite helpful. I mean seriously, look at that face.

2.) I take a bubble bath and read. Sometimes I even take a glass of wine with me. Okay, who am I kidding, most times I take a glass of wine with me. But the wine isn't necessarily what makes it relaxing. Bubble baths make it seem like I'm soaking all of my troubles away. Recently, I've been pretty fond of Bath and Body Works' Aromatherapy soaps, so I'm going to recommend the Stress Relief with Eucalyptus mint found here

3.) If it is still early enough in the day, sometimes I'll go for a walk. I can't wait for the areas nearby to make the trails that are in the works. They just have to finish the building first, but I'm patient. Most of the time. 

4.) Another thing I do is overdramatically collapse on my bed and refuse to move until after either I wake up from a nap or I feel better. 

5.) I work out in the backyard garden. It's so nice to be outside working with my hands in the dirt, pruning and watching as things grow. Just a few days ago I planted a strawberry plant and it makes me so happy.

And for a bonus:

6.) If a person is why I am stressed out, I will make the person in my Sims game and make life miserable for him or her. Overall I am not a violent person and I don't actually want anything negative to happen to the person but sometimes getting a person abducted by aliens and then pregnant with quadruplets while living in a one-room building that doesn't have a working toilet is just what I need to make me feel better.

So until next time,
I hope you have a very stress-free week,
Shelby Hild

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