Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Progress Report #2

Yesterday marked the end of another month of 2016.

Today marks the beginning of a new one. 


Last year this month consistently made me feel nostalgic about marching band for no reason except for the fact that March is in marching. 

Last year this month marked my sixth month at my job. This year, it'll mark my eighteenth month. 

Since today is the first day of this merry month, it also means today is progress report day!

Progress Reports aren't terribly long or complicated, and if you're new here, it is just a post recording the physical components to becoming a better (and healthier and more productive) Shelby. 

So without further ado:

My current weight is 149.3 lbs, which in case you were curious is 10.66 Stone according to Google. It isn't as much of a lose as last month's progress report saw, but it is still progress. And that's really all I can ask for. 

My diet has somewhat been slipping, and I feel like I say that every week, but it hasn't been slipping as much the past week and a half, only slightly. I've managed to give myself two cheat days a week where basically I eat whatevs I want. This month I will limit that to one and see where I go from there.

Another aspect that has been slipping (again) is the exercise part. I've had quite a few mid-shift days this month and I find exercising either before or after so difficult. The most difficult thing I've tried to do is get up early and workout, but then if I try to do it when I get home I wake myself and then I struggle to fall asleep and then I'm tired when I go to work. Anyway, I'm going to figure out a way to work on that this month. It is at the top of my priority list. (Speaking of priority lists, next week's post will involve them.)

The apart of this process that I am very proud of is currently my word count on my WIP. 

Are you ready to hear what it is? 

I am at 63,118 words. And that is just so far today. I plan to do quite a bit of writing before heading into work and hopefully hit 64K, maybe even 65K depending on how productive I can be with Hathor trying to walk all over my computer. 

Last month I was a little under 31K, having written about 28K including the week I took off that was supposed to be specifically dedicated to writing. I have written 32,224 words this short month of February. I'm pumped. And I plan to continue making this much progress.

So this month's verdict is of measurable things, I am indeed working on improvement. So far, my New Year's Resolution is still around.

What was your New Year's Resolution? Are you still working towards it? Feel free to comment below. 

Until Next Time,
Shelby Hild

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