Monday, January 11, 2016

Write Drunk, Edit Sober

That is my plan this week. Sort of.

One of my big problems while writing is I always look back at what I have written and decide it sucks.

And this week is all about my writing. (I mean, I took the week off of work so I could focus completely on writing now that I officially have an office in my house and can write without being distracted -- except for when the construction workers outside decide to blast spanish music so loudly I can hear it over my blaring classical music).

But don't worry. Today was day 3 of the first week of my 5k training. And it went delightfully. Cold. It went cold. Because it was cold outside. I don't like the cold. BUT I didn't use it as an excuse. I went out. I did the run. And here I am. Post shower. So I don't smell.

Sorry. I may be somewhat tipsy. But I am 23 years old so that is okay because it is completely legal here in America.

Anywho. That quote. "Write Drunk, Edit Sober" is generally attributed to Ernest Hemingway, but fun story -- no one has actually been able to link it to him. At least according to my last minute research which may or may not be able to be verified.

I have had a professor once tell me that my mind was so out there when I was sober he'd pay to see what I wrote under the influence of alcohol.

It is very likely I will end up regretting this post, but it is Monday and I am determined to update every Monday no matter what.

Today, I have walked/ run over four miles. I have stuck (mostly) by my diet (since alcohol technically isn't part of the diet). AND I have written over 5K. which is delightful. Tomorrow I plan on getting up a bit earlier (so at 8 rather than 10) in order to get more work done. I am not done writing for today either, so that is just today's current number. I know that is only half of my original goal, since I was saying I wanted to write 10K a day.

That was before remembering how distractable I am. But my real goal is to finish the first draft of my current WIP and get at least 50K done this week. While not totally forgoing the whole getting fit part of my New Year's Resolution.

I'm not actually going to get drunk every day this week because that is unhealthy. But tipsy is probably a good state because I'll still mostly be mentally there, but I'll be able to let go of my inner writing perfectionist so that I can actually progress.

Plus, I'm off all week and it is cold outside. What else can I do besides read? (There is NOTHING wrong with reading in fact I love reading it is delightful but I can't find my kindle, I don't want to start another book series because that is all I own and I won't be able to stop reading the series until I devour it and everything else written by the author so I'd get no writing done,)

Speaking of writing, it appears I can't get anything done without listening to music without words. My Epic Soundtrack station on Pandora is sending me more to random piano pieces that are soothing and somewhat put me to sleep rather than Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Braveheart, etc. Soundtracks. Any suggestions for what I could/should listen to?

Until next time, I'll be back to writing fiction. Tchao,

I'll leave you with a link to foliage in Pennsylvania. Just for Grins and Giggles here

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