Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Warm Welcome for 2018

Welcome everyone to this very frigid beginning to the New Year.

I would have posted something yesterday, but I was driving home from Fort Worth (and complaining about the cold). It is currently a whopping 30℉ outside and I as a warm-blooded Texas summer girl am not pleased. At all.

So the warm welcome to the year is going to have to come from ourselves, not the current weather.

By the end of last year, I was really struggling with a lot of things, both physical things and mental blocks. I needed a break.


So, thankfully, despite the freezing temperatures and threat of ice, I was able to travel to Fort Worth to celebrate New Year's Eve with some old college friends.

It was really nice and definitely needed.

Although I didn't get to see everyone, it reminded me of how much I miss the DFW.

The past few months I've really been slacking on healthy eating and working out, basically since I started attempting to, you know, have a life. And my writing definitely took a back seat to things.

So my main focus at the beginning of this year is to get back on track.

Technically I started last week, and it took my weight from 145.7 lbs back down to 137 lbs. Which is really nice.

No longer am I focused on actually losing weight, because I am right smack dab in the healthy range for my height, but instead, I want to focus on being healthy, building muscles, and becoming more lean.

Despite the fact that Lindsey's voice (from the IdealShape Up challenge) still bothers me, I am going to restart that challenge at least until I think of something else. And since it is a 12 week program of course I doubled up the workout today so I'm not on day two on January 3rd. That'd bother me so much.

Writing-wise, my goal in the past has been to write 2000 words a day.

That obviously didn't work out, so I am trying something new this year. I plan to write two chapters a week.

And I hope to update this blog more consistently than last year.

Something I started last year that I plan to continue is stepping out of my comfort zone.

I will participate in Make-up-less March again. In May I am going to Belize.

I am still working on other ways to step out of my comfort zone, so if you have any ideas, feel free to tell me in the comments!

Although it isn't part of stepping out of my comfort zone, though, if all goes according to plans, I should be done paying off a specific grouping of my student loans and I am pumped. No joke.

That's all for now, folks.
Until Next Time,

P.S. I was going to have a quote picture, but the thing I usually use to make them seems to have vanished from my computer. I'll figure that out later.

P.P.S. The new season of the Bachelor is on and I'm pumped.


  1. Hello and Happy New Year! I’ve kind of been following your blog for a while now. There’s a lot that you’ve written in some of your posts that I can relate to (especially your “Year in Review” post). One thing I’ve really been struggling with for the last few years is being more open to meeting new people. Much like you I have these intense feelings of wanting to be more social but I always seem to crawl back in my shell. About 6 months ago there was someone who started frequenting the coffee shop I work at and he caught my eye. I didn’t really know how to pursue things since I was working and he was a customer. I also had a lot of trepidation caused by fear of rejection and the possibility of things being really awkward if I somehow made a fool of myself, like if I didn’t know what to say or if there was the dreaded awkward silence. I made up my mind that I wanted to act on this crush and so over the last 6 months I’ve kind of been taking baby steps (although sometimes I feel like that could be overstating it). Things slowly progressed and there was definitely awkward silence and plenty of thoughts inside my head wondering what the hell am I doing…BUT…I persevered and we got to a point where we would say hi and have small talk and catch up every time he came in. This week I actually made a REALLY bold move and I asked him out to lunch and he said YES!! I was on cloud nine and honestly I still am. It gave me a huge boost in confidence and I really needed that. So far my 2018 has started out great! I’m just going to ride this ride and see where it takes me. I hope you have a great 2018 and accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Take a chance. Do something crazy. Surround yourself with people that make you happy. Focus on the things that get you closer to meeting your goals. Someone catch your eye? Ask them out OR just make a new friend. You're gorgeous girl! This is your year!! Make the best of it

    1. Sometimes it's that first step, whether it be a giant leap or a tiny inching towards something that is the most difficult thing to do. I'm super excited for you about not just taking a few steps, but actually asking him out! Hope it all goes well :)
