Thursday, January 18, 2018

A Writing Plan for 2018

I can't believe I'm at my fourth post already this year. You could say I'm off to a good start this year, hopefully I stick with it. 

In case you weren't aware, IHOP is currently prepping for international pancake day by having unlimited pancakes for just $3.99. It's wonderful. Not necessarily for my diet, but... seriously delicious. 

I've been keeping up with the Bachelor (of course) and so far this season, I'm not terribly impressed. Although I'm glad to know that Krystal was sick and she doesn't normally sound like that.

At this precise moment, there is a Great Dane drooling on my face, but she's so cute I can't help but be like "ohhhh Bri you're adorable." Her and I will be getting some bonding time while my dad is out of town, because we cuddle when dad isn't here. 

If you haven't had the joy of being tackled by a dog that weighs a similar amount as you do, you're missing out. It's wonderful. Unless you are like Annalise (sp?) from the Bachelor who has had traumatizing events with dogs (and bumper cars... and I'm assuming more things that we will learn on Bachelor in Paradise).

Many of you probably clicked on this to learn about my 2018 writing plan, not to know about IHOP or puppy. 

Writing is hard, Man. Especially in a day and age where it feels like everyone is writing and publishing things (whether it's worthy of publishing or not). While as someone who wants to publish good, well-written works, seeing the relatively poor things published is a tad bit confidence boosting, it still doesn't alleviate the fact that writing a story is difficult.

And so I have a plan. 

My original idea for the year was to write two chapters a week, and so far I've been okay at keeping it (I've written six chapters since the beginning of the year). 

I've noticed my "The Write Life" board on Pinterest has been growing and growin, but I've done nothing with it since creating it. It was created in 2013. 

So over the next week or so, I'm going to put all the prompts from the board into a container and do a free write each month. Just to exercise my writing muscles. I think I had this idea at some point last year but didn't go through with it them. Most of this year is about following through with things, so it's going to happen. 

I would say a prompt a week, but that would be biting off more than I can chew. Hopefully this will grant me 11 short stories by the end of the year (hopefully my 10 days in Belize won't put me too off track).

Until next time,


  1. One can never deny a dog who wants attention. Mine aren't that big (heck, even all three of them put together weigh a fraction of a Great Dane), but they are a high-strung bunch.

    How's the chapter/prompt a week coming along? I set my personal bar pretty low: 700 words a week. But that does mean if I manage to hit 1K a week, I'm feeling pretty good!

    1. Dogs can be demanding sometimes XD it's wonderful though distracting.

      So far I've managed to be successful with the two chapters a week. Granted I've only been doing it for a week and a half XD

      Even if you only get 700, that's still more than if you hadn't tried for any! Which is more than a lot of people get. So even that is something to be proud of :)
