Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Mental Elements

Today's blog post was initially going to be about PCOS, what it is and how it affects people. But the more I thought about it, the less I felt this week should be about that.

Then I thought about making a blog post dedicated to my cat because she has been a delightful little angel this week and I adore her. But then I realized how silly of an idea that would be.

Instead, today's post is about a new challenge I am adding to my list of things, now that I am no longer doing my super Cheat Week for eating healthier and exercising. (By the way I can officially do 10 push-ups which is 10 more than I used to be able to do, so I'm pretty excited about that.)

I mentioned last week how sometimes I have a difficult time sticking to things (especially diets and such) and it is very true. You could say my attention span is limited.

When it comes to writing, I will work really hard on something for the first half of it and then lose every milligram of steam I had towards it. So I'd start something new. In notebooks and word documents, I have at least one hundred stories started and then forgotten.

Having a strong will power is incredibly helpful in all of the things I am trying to do, but mine isn't very strong after a few weeks.

Thankfully, my writing hasn't declined too much. It did for a bit, but I've managed to catch back up with where I wanted to be at. That is part of the reason I am a day late on posting this, because I was working on my current WIP novel.

One thing that I have recently noticed about me is my thoughts have turned rather negative. Not necessarily about writing or anything, but overall. That mindset is making me grumpier than normal. Being grumpier than normal makes life not necessarily... nice. Which makes me complain more and more and then it is just a never ending cycle of weary complaints and anger.

I don't want to be an angry person. Ever.

In the past, I have known a few people who I would describe as that, and they just bring the people around them down. I don't want to do that.

I want to be one of those people that everyone is happy to see. I want to be an uplifting figure on people's lives. The one thing I've wanted to do for so long, one could say it is actually my life goal (although being the first real author on Dancing With the Stars would definitely help me achieve this to a point) is I want to inspire people to be happy and be better people.

That's why writing is so important to me, that's why books are so important to me. Growing up, books are what helped me through a lot of tough times (for me, they were tough although looking back when compared to other peoples' childhoods it was nothing).

Books were what saved me, they helped me escape. They taught me to think, to truly think about things. They taught me to dream about what is and what could be. They are probably the reason I have a history of incredibly bizarre dreams (like the ones I have at night, not goals for the future).

I hope that at least one of the books I write can have this same effect on just one person. If that can happen, I don't care what else I manage to do in life. It will have been a successful life.

BUT to be able to have that sort of influence on people, I feel like I need to truly be a happy person. Through and through, not just on the surface.

So starting today, starting right now, I will do less complaining. I am going to limit myself to one complaint a day both aloud and in my head. Then when I can do that with ease, I will limit myself to one a week, then one a month, and then hopefully I will be out of the complaining habit.

Because to be completely honest, I've not got much to complain about. Especially after realizing the truth of the quote:

"The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for."
Until Next Time,
Shelby Hild

P.S. It is not my quote, but I can't remember where I first heard it from.

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